产品推介 - 【Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Galaxy 系列】

【Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Galaxy 系列】

購買網址 ➡ http://bit.ly/2i2gQ06

Fenty Beauty出咗個名為Galaxy嘅眼影,有成14個色,review仲係5粒星星!! 有興趣嘅可以上去睇下,仲有同系列其他彩妝品架。

// CHARLEELS: This palette is definitely a must have. I just purchased the palette today and I gotta tell you it is as good as it looks. The colors are really beautiful and glittery for my girls who love sparkle.//

// MYMY: I purchased this today at my local Sephora and OMG!!!!!!!!!! The swatches I got were amazing. I am so excited for what's to come from Fenty Beauty. Rihanna is getting all my coins hands down. //

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Date: 2017-10-25 11:34:16
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