产品推介 - Foot Locker Promotion: 15% off $75+ | 20% off $100+ | 25% off $200+

Promotion: 15% off $75+ | 20% off $100+ | 25% off $200+


購買網址 ▶ http://bit.ly/2Rx9Qtt


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To receive 15% off your $75 purchase, enter promotion code GET15NOW at checkout. Order value must total $75 or more before services, taxes, and shipping & handling.


To receive 20% off your $100 purchase, enter promotion code GET20NOW at checkout. Order value must total $100 or more before services, taxes, and shipping & handling.


To receive 25% off your $200 purchase, enter promotion code GET25NOW at checkout. Order value must total $200 or more before services, taxes, and shipping & handling.


Valid online at footlocker.com, by mail, or by phone. Does not apply to prior purchases or open orders and cannot be combined with any other offers. May not be used with purchase of gift cards or toward team orders. Promotion may be modified or terminated at any time.



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Date: 2019-08-01 10:56:52
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